Montessori School of Syracuse Land Lab

Montessori School of Syracuse Land Lab

Monday, June 22, 2015

Happy Monday!

We were excited to start the third week of camp. There are a lot of fun activities going on this week! Our morning council went well and all of the campers started off with the blind string walk. This walk allowed the new campers to experience the fun group activity. After the walk, the big group split into smaller ones.

A big group went to continue the shelter with Julie, Chantelle and I. The shelter is really starting to look spectacular! Another group went with Allie to collect rocks for a painting craft. Laura and our special guest, Quin, took campers to the porch to make mandalas. The mandalas are a nature craft that uses leaves to decorate a beautiful design.

After the morning block, the campers had lunch, recess and quiet time. During the first afternoon block, a group of kids went to the porch to work on more mandalas with Laura. Chantelle and I worked on paracord bracelets. The new campers got the opportunity to make them! Allie had a group go out to experience the "ants eye view" walk. All the campers get very low to the ground to experience what it would be like to be an ant.

During the second block, the campers organized a fun soccer tournament! Others painted stones in the barn and a group went to the porch again for more crafts.

The weather was wonderful today and the campers had an awesome day!

Tomorrow feel free to bring vegetables for stone soup on Wednesday!


 Allie's book introduction to an "Ant's eye view"
 Campers with their new paracord bracelets!
 Building shelter!
Painting stones in the barn! 

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