Montessori School of Syracuse Land Lab

Montessori School of Syracuse Land Lab

Thursday, June 19, 2014

June 19th!

Hi everyone!

Today started off great! When the campers arrived we started a game of soccer and enjoyed the awesome weather. We all gathered afterwards and discussed the activities for the day. A group of campers went with Rene and Allie to start the solar oven. Afterwards they went to the Play Woods to make an outdoor terrarium. They found 23 salamanders! Dylan stayed at the barn with a group to make the pencil holders out of logs. The campers sanded them as they wished. Chantelle and I took a group around through the trails to take a lot of pictures. The campers are learning some new photography techniques.
Lunch went well and the kids played capture the flag in the field and went on the swing during recess. During quiet time sanding took place. Also some campers went outside to sketch nature scenes that they viewed.
After lunch a group of campers had stalking lessons with Rene and our special visitor, Alex French Lawyer.  Students learned to move as quietly as possible through the woods in order to observe animals in their natural habitat. This is a favorite Land Lab activity. Chantelle took a group to the porch to make frames  for the photos that we took in the morning. Allie and I took a group out to the field for a soccer game. The kids loved being in the sun.
In the second block Chantelle and I continued soccer while Allie took a group to the porch for watercolor and bracelets. Rene and Alex took a different group of campers to stalk.

At the end of the day some campers got to take home their art projects and tie-dyed items. They also all got a chance to try the solar oven cookies.  Special thanks to the Durkins for providing the delicious cookie dough!

Looking forward to a fun Friday!

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