Montessori School of Syracuse Land Lab

Montessori School of Syracuse Land Lab

Monday, June 23, 2014

June 23rd

Hi campers!

The start of week 3 was great! The sun was out and the campers were ready for a great day. Dylan and Chantelle took a group out to collect boat items and stones. The campers brought the bark and sticks back to the barn to start constructing. Rene took a group to start the solar oven cookies and then went for a scavenger hunt. The kids loved looking for items on the list. Allie and I conducted the blindfold walk. The new campers enjoyed that activity. Allie was even led along a train by some of the students!

During lunch and recess the kids played soccer and capture the flag. Some played on the swing while others walked around.  Quiet time consisted of outdoor sketching, wood sanding, and bracelet making. 

In the first and second block Dylan took a group of campers out for a session of stalking. Rene took another group for the scavenger hunt because it was a popular fun activity. On the porch a larger group was doing many activities. The campers painted rocks or crotched yarn on v-shaped tree branches. They look awesome. In the second block the porch activities continued and stalking did as well. I took two campers to hide flags for a scavenger hunt tomorrow. They made their own riddles and have clues for the other campers to follow.

Very excited for another tie dye project on Tuesday!

 Campers leading each other on blind string walk

 Scavenger hunt time!
 Solar oven with cookies!

 Painting rocks!

Finished painted rocks

Preparing for tomorrow's scavenger riddle hunt

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