Montessori School of Syracuse Land Lab

Montessori School of Syracuse Land Lab

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Hey Campers!

            Today was another damp day at the Land Lab, but we still had a great time. In the morning, Dylan and I helped kids finish off their woodworking projects from yesterday, and began the sanding process. After sanding, the stools will be soft, sturdy, and even more beautiful than before. Allie took some kids on a walk in the rain to finish hanging up the flags for the scavenger hunt, and Chantelle and Rene worked on the porch with kids doing various arts and crafts.  They have made all sorts of cool drawings, as well as prints with stamps, and tons of intricately braided bracelets.
            For lunch, we all dried off, and huddled up in the warmth and shelter of the barn. We had another indoor recess, then quiet time on the porch - listening to bird sounds, doing arts and crafts, and doing our best to stay dry.
 In the afternoon, many campers stayed on the porch, playing board games, and doing arts and crafts. We made more bracelets, and played cards. Later in the afternoon, Dylan and Chantelle took some campers on a rain walk, so they could take in some of the rainy day in the woods before camp ended. Other Campers ran in the field with Rene, playing with paper airplanes they had made on the porch, and the rest of us stayed inside finishing our games and creations.
            It was a cold and rainy day, but we still had a great time at Land Lab Camp. I urge parents of campers to continue doing a wonderful job dressing your campers for the weather, and for sending clean changes of clothes so we can keep going on adventures. Dry socks are so comfortable after coming inside!

See you tomorrow!


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