Montessori School of Syracuse Land Lab

Montessori School of Syracuse Land Lab

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Land Lab Adventure: Week 2, Day 4

As our time together draws to an end, we focused on finishing all the projects we had started. In the morning, we walked out to the pond to check on our plant tiles. They all made it quite well and they look magnificent. We then headed back to the Land Lab and the kids that still had projects left in the woodshop finished those up. Some kids went to the porch to finish water colors or other art projects, and those children who were done tie-dyed shirts with Allie. During lunch we played some more Capture the Flag, and during quiet time we opened up the woodshop so students could sand their wood projects if they wished – it went great! After quiet time we worked some more in the woodshop. Those kids who were busy in the morning tie-dyed their shirts with Allie and the remaining kids went on a hike with Judy. When we all go back together around 2:15, we finished the day up with a game or two of freeze-tag and our sharing circle.

Tonight will be a night to remember as we camp out at the pond!


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